Good Reasons To Use An Autoresponder
An autoresponder is an automatic way to send email. It's one ofthose truly fantastic inventions that have come about thanks to the internet. If you are serious about your online business (or even an offline business) you need to sign up for an autoresponder. There are several reasons that you should be using an autoresponder every day for your business. If you have ever tried to keep in touch with your customer base in the past, you'll know how difficult this can be.
Many traditional businesses use to have a major problem with a customer list that was kept in a card file. This would often have thousands of names that they didn't really know what to do with. Enter the Internet and the Autoresponder. The smart Internet marketing business today keeps these lists in a way that they can easily be accessed using an autoresponder. This does away with the old card file system and means that customers can be contacted by a simple click.
This system can be used for PR, promoting a special offer or just updating price lists. Most online marketers will have a subscribers' list. These are people who have agreed to receive emails from them. An autoresponder is an excellent way to sell to these people. Although people have agreed to be contacted by the marketer it is unlikely that they will repond positively to your first sales message. An autoresponder allows you to send out a number of follow up emails that may result in a sale but will also keep your name in front of these prospects. You can totally automate the entire process with a series of pre-written messages. You can update these messages or tweak the format any time. Plus make new offers. For example, say your business comes out with a new product, you will be able to blast this out to every one on your customer list. And then do a series of follow ups - all automatically.
If you can type, you can do this. One of the main uses of autoresponders is building and maintaining your double opt-in list of prospects. Opt-in is the word used to describe those people who have agreed to join your subscriber list. Once some one shows initial interest, your autoresponder contacts them and asks them to confirm. This is the double opt-in and does away with any accusations of SPAM. If you don't have a list of your own you can buy co-registration leads to get you started. Or you can simply attract people with your messages on your website. If they sign up for further information your autoresponder simply takes over and confirms the opt-in. If you get the hang of this you can use it over and over and build your business on auto pilot.
-Robert Sexton
Editor, Ultimate Life Changer
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